Pasta Mama’s, You Are Amazing!

Pasta Mama's

Tip from the Chef: be sure to follow the cooking instructions; do not over cook and be sure toss immediately with oil for best results!

Last weekend the future husband and I decided to take make dinner for my friend and her husband, who just had a baby girl.  They requested Italian, and it just so happened I had a sample of pasta by Pasta Mama’s from work that I was asked t try out.  We had an amazing dinner of meatballs with meat sauce over Mushroom Fettuccine from Pasta Mama’s.  It was seriously incredible, unfortunately I didn’t get any pictures (rookie blogger mistake!) The soon-to-be-husband-Chef gave the pasta rave reviews and said it was the best fresh dried pasta he has ever cooked with! The best part is it is eggless!! I did some research before we had it, thinking it was too good to be true.  To my delight, I found many varieties  of eggless pasta’s on the Pasta Mama’s Website! I was excited to go back to work Monday and grab another bag, next I am going to try the Black Pepper Linguine! I highly recommend you check them out!